Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas! Almost Walking

Christmas has come and gone. We went to visit family out of town, then came back for Christmas at home with more loving family. Santa Claus came to visit, and left a big pile of presents! I really liked the wrapping paper, and even played with the toys as they all came unwrapped. Everyone spoiled me, and even Daddy got spoiled. He got this thing called guitar hero - he really likes it, and I think it has cool buttons. Although a few days after he got it Mummy was all rolling her eyes mummering "Why did I get him that.."

Everyone is excited that I'm almost walking on my own! and I have another tooth (up to five now!)

Happy Holiday - Love to everyone.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My First Birthday Party!

I just had my first birthday party. We had a big crowd out (mostly family) and I had cake.. Dad says that I'm on the box, then drunk on cake, then eating the plate. Thank you everyone who brought me presents - I have so many now I don't know what to play with first!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Pappa Joe’s Seafood and Steakhouse (Charlottetown PEI)

Tonight we went out for a nice dinner at Papa Joe’s Seafood and Steak house. Mummy and Daddy had a really nice meal, steaks and primerib and all the fixins. I had fun throwing Cheerios all over the place, and throwing my toys on the floor continuously. My parents looked a little annoyed but they didn’t really mind because the food was delicious and they were starving. After they were finished eating I surprised Mummy by knocking her red wine all over; her, me, the stroller the table, and even Daddy got a hint of a splattering.

Daddy said to the waitress“We better get going before Caleb wrecks the place” (as I was reaching for his water glass). I dropped my red wine splattered lamb – attached to my soother- on the floor . Daddy went after it and almost knocked the whole table over onto Mummy. Luckliy they realized what was happening while the table rocked up and down.

Daddy had to drive home because Mummy was wearing too much of her red wine. “Yes officer that is red wine, my eight month old spilled it on me because I looked away for two seconds”

Not 5 minutes later the leftovers were sitting on the dash of the van as we careened towards our cottage. Fortunately Mummy snagged them in time, before they spilled forth their contents all over the van that Daddy had just cleaned out this morning.

We had a great dinner – and it was more exciting than usual!

First Tooth!

Tues August 14th 2007.

I got my first tooth this Sunday! To celebrate Daddy, Mummy, Uncle Nick, Bobs and Lolo, and Denise (Lolo’s Mom) took me out for a nice dinner at the Gahan brewery restaurant in downtown Charlottetown. It was great! As usual I was the centre of attention,

I think Daddy got some video of the tooth that they have since named “Chompa”.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


As you can see, I'm growing lots. I weigh almost 20 pounds already. Mommy and Daddy had to switch my car seat to a bigger one. I don't have any teeth yet, but my gums
are definitely getting sore...I know they're in there.

I can't quite crawl yet, but I'm doing a good job of moving around my play
area by rolling and twisting (one of the pictures is of my playmat attacking
me because I rolled on it). I also like chewing on things (like the ribbon
around my bear's neck).

Mommy and Daddy took me to the beach this week for the first time. I think
I liked it, but the water was pretty cold.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Drooling on Daddy

Why does mummy dress me like this?


Mommy fed me carrots yesterday. I'm not so sure I like them. I keep
them, but they're no cereal, that's for sure. When's she gonna give me
good bacon?

Saturday, March 31, 2007

My first time watching Daddy's show!

Today was my first time watching Daddy's show. The room was hot, and it was pretty loud, and I got so excited I peed myself. I didn't really get the show, but everyone else liked it.. I think i'll like it better when I'm older.

I went to the doctors for the first time this week. My shots hurt, but I found out that I weigh 16 pounds! That puts me in the 75th percentile in height and weight. I don't know what that means, but everyone else was happy about it.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Smiles and not smiles. I weigh over 12 pounds now!!